Sticky Bits: a substack by Lauren Yoshiko
Sticky Icky
We're often asked how we stay connected to the ever-evolving cannabis culture, especially in a landscape filled with mediocrity. One of our go-to sources for insightful news, thought-provoking podcasts, and industry updates is Sticky Bits, a Substack helmed by Portland’s own Lauren Yoshiko. Lauren offers a sharp, nuanced take on the world of weed, making it a must-read for anyone interested in cannabis.
We highly recommend checking it out and subscribing. Substack empowers readers to directly support independent voices like Lauren's, rather than funneling funds into corporate coffers.
Sticky Bits offers two weekly dispatches:
- A free edition with a curated selection of cannabis news, including legislative updates, equity efforts, product launches, events, and shoutouts to up-and-coming brands.
- A special paid edition every Friday (or bi-weekly), diving deeper into trends, interviews, and key industry issues.
With over a decade of experience in the cannabis industry, Lauren’s commitment to advocacy—particularly for women—makes Sticky Bits a trusted source for understanding the cultural and market shifts at play. Whether you're an entrepreneur or just curious, this newsletter provides valuable insights and tools to help you navigate the cannabis space.