Lorena Oliveira
Lorena Oliveira / Mystic Healing Artist / Crystal Lounge Experience
WHY TFP LOVES Lorena Oliveira: When we are feeling crystal curious we turn to Lorena Oliveira, Brazilian native and crystal guardian, who’s eager to share her knowledge of healing minerals with our community. We love her soothing sound baths – available now as virtual experiences – delivered through her company Crystal Lounge Experiences. If you’re ready to ground your energy in the Earth, explore subtle shifts in your vibrations, and elevate your consciousness, Lorena is here for you.
If you were stuck on a desert island, what medicinal plant would you hope to find while scavenging?
Lavender, Mugwort, Cedar and of course Mushrooms

Everyone has a folk healer in the family—the grandma with the onion chest rub, the uncle with the hot toddies. Have you picked up any healing traditions from your bloodline?
Well, coming from Brazil and being the daughter of a practician of magic and a second generation indigenous man says a lot.....
We think about everything in terms of plants. What's your spirit flower?
[💮 our favorite lavender remedy]
The digital life is a vibe killer in large doses. What do you do to disconnect?
Spend as much time as I can in nature! My priority!
What first step do you recommend to newbies who are just starting out on their wellness journeys?
I highly encourage them to experience one thing at a time then maybe too.., and after getting to know them a little bit starting alchemize with other elements.
Healing is all about community, and finding the people you trust. Who are your go-to gurus?
First, my closest friend Debora Frazao. She has always been my first guru. Trevor Hall, 🌍 🌿 Nature, Jason Silva
Out of all the lessons you've learned, what's the number one piece of business advice you would give anyone starting out?
Create an Altar for your business... your ideas.... maybe that is your table, work on it EVERYDAY, and please start relationships slowly.... enjoy each breath before making decisions.... be grounded in yourself! That is your number one main daily practice.
What's you favorite TFP product? How does it heal you or enhance your life?
I am so honored to be here co-creating with you without not even ever tried your product... but honestly... with what I am just experiencing here I know it will be of the highest quality! We recommend a gift card is a good place to start :)

Music as medicine, what's your current or forever go-to album?
Now is an Album called Passaje Universo (between many other Spotify playlists that is my passion creating) and forever to go probably Prajna Vieira’s Amrita
*DEALERS* CHOICE: Are there any projects you're working on, fun factoids about you or PSAs you'd like to share with our community?
I am working on co-creating a Project with my Burning Man Group creating a Regenerative Farm Community and Mystical Healing Arts Center based in Bahia, Brazil.
At The Flower Pot®, our mission is to create a safe and reliable space for you to explore + experiment with the benefits of botanical medicine. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and LinkedIn.