Thank you plant medicine.
Sometimes you have to slip lab booties over heels, it’s the *nature* of the business after all.
On our recent field trip to THC DESIGN grow (ahem! female founder), The Flower Pot had the opportunity to get a closer look at the powerful, life-changing cannabis plant in its many stages and cycles.
We believe in the curative power of cannabis and other plant medicines, including psychedelics. Our business and life's work is founded on the healing power of herbalism and Earth's medicine. That's why The Flower Pot is excited to stand and raise our voice with the thousands of people around the world today 2/20/20 sharing their stories as a part of the @thankyouplantmedicine movement.
Join us as we build a thriving plant medicine community, free from stigmas and stereotypes that prevent us from accessing our botanical allies. With a united front, we advocate together. We fight for quality research and a greater understanding of how plants can help human beings.
photo cc: Brit June
At The Flower Pot®, our mission is to create a safe and reliable space for you to explore + experiment with the benefits of botanical medicine. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and LinkedIn.