In this month of renewal, why not give your hair a bit of love, too?
Sure, we might not be going out much (ever!), so your tresses might be seeing a little less styling than usual, but that makes this the perfect time to restore and rejuvenate your locks.
For such moments we recommend Frigg’s Attuning Hair Potion, a hair oil that will soothe a stressed scalp and stimulate tired follicles. Dandruff be gone, itchy scalp vanish, curls be glossed and simply shine on.
pictured: Attuning Hair Potion for Healthier Scalps & Stronger Hair
A hair oil for all things. Comprised of CBD + CBG with rosemary, cedarwood & other herbal extracts, Attuning Hair Potion by Frigg is a botanical tonic of dreams. Calm irritated scalp, nourish dry ends, stimulate tired follicles, combat dandruff, and promote healthy hair growth — all with a single product.
Developed by friend of The Flower Pot and early advocate for all things cannabis, Kimberly Dillon, this hair potion contains a balancing botanical blend of so many good things.
Client testimonial:
"Feels like magic. Have been applying this to my husband's head for a few weeks, and the difference is noticeable. The redness and itch and flakes are simply gone. At first I was worried the bottle was so small. But with the dropper, it's easy to get it on the scalp, and the bottle will last.
He says it feels really nice, and like it's really doing something, there's a tingle, and instant soothing feeling."
Start your year off right – from top to bottom.
[shop other herbal haircare offerings]
At The Flower Pot®, our mission is to create a safe and reliable space for you to explore + experiment with the benefits of botanical medicine. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and LinkedIn.