How to Stay Safe While Consuming Cannabis During COVID
As a global community, we’re coping with more stress and uncertainty than we have in a long time. Collective anxiety is palpable, and self-care has become even more crucial to staying safe and sane.
For many of us, cannabis is medicine. It’s hard to discontinue consumption right now, even though smoking may increase the likelihood of contracting and developing a more serious case of COVID.
We know coronavirus attacks the lungs; the essential organs we often rely on to bring cannabinoids into our bodies. Whether you’re using weed for anxiety or pain management, it’s important to be mindful and take the necessary precautions.
Here’s a few tips to shift your smoking habits and prevent the spread of coronavirus:
Get curious about consumption.
Try experimenting with a low-dose edible or tincture. Know that tinctures have immediate effects, whereas edibles might take a bit longer to act.
Disinfect your gear.
Take care to sanitize all smoking equipment, like pipes and vaporizers. It doesn’t hurt to disinfect product packaging and the lighter you left lying around, too.
Prepare for a sesh.
Wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds before and after a session. Because smoking involves hand-to-mouth contact, it’s imperative to start your session with sparkling clean hands.
Roll your own.
Come prepared with a personal pre-roll. If you’re planning something like a socially distant walk with a friend, pack an extra joint for them to ensure you’ll be able share a sesh without sharing saliva.
Bring hand wipes + sani.
We’re constantly touching our devices + accessories, and then we bring them to our lips. If you’re smoking on the go, bring a disinfectant and make a point to engage in proper sanitizing practices.
Don’t pass the pipe.
Don’t share pipes, pens, joints, or any other weed accessories that’s been in or around your mouth. Etiquette is changing, and right now, it’s better to politely refuse.
Be mindful of clouds.
Stay more than six feet apart when vaping near others, and don’t exhale clouds in confined spaces. Researchers aren’t yet sure if secondhand smoke can spread COVID.
Manage your medicine.
Stock up to avoid frequent trips to the dispensary. Purchase more than usual and make a plan to ration your cannabis, so you have a steady supply.
Though the most severe impacts of COVID-19 are in the respiratory system, healthy bodies with strong immunities can better fight a foreign infection. Boost your immune system, get a good night’s sleep, eat clean foods, stay hydrated, and don’t skip out on the exercise.
Cannabis consumption increased during the stay-at-home order, according to recent data analyzed by Oasis Intelligence. And in 2020, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
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At The Flower Pot®, our mission is to create a safe and reliable space for you to explore + experiment with the benefits of botanical medicine. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and LinkedIn.